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INQNET Pizza Seminar

Thursday, November 9, 2023
12:30pm to 1:30pm
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Special AI & Misinformation Seminar: " IQ Journalism: Predicting the quality of news stories based on explainable AI"
Catherine Sotirakou,
  • Internal Event

Speaker: Dr. Catherine Sotirakou

Time: 12:30pm Pacific
Place: in the Downs-Lauritsen 257

Title: Special AI & Misinformation Seminar: " IQ Journalism: Predicting the quality of news stories based on explainable AI"
Abstract: Fake and manipulated information is circulated in all forms and platforms, unverified videos are shared on Facebook, rumors are being forwarded via messaging apps, and conspiracy theories are being shared by Twitter influencers, and these are only a few of the distribution patterns of disinformation. The role of social media platforms is crucial to understand the current state of disinformation globally since Facebook and Twitter changed both the news distribution and the trust of traditional media outlets. In the post-truth era when the role of the information gatekeepers has been transferred to the users as nodes in a wider network of reproduction, shares, and affiliations the reality of what the user encounters in their media flow is what defines the new truth: the user is transformed into the locus of truth construction thus partially undertaking the responsibility of identifying or assess the news item or narrative object.

This research has been co-financed by the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE (project code: T2EDK-04616).

References Deuze, M., 2005. What is journalism?

Professional identity and ideology of journalists reconsidered. Journalism, 6(4): 442–464. Harcup, T., 2015.

Journalism: principles and practice.Sage. Kovach, B. and Rosenstiel, T., 2014.

The elements of journalism: What newspeople should know and the public should expect. Three Rivers Press (CA). Lacy, S. and Rosenstiel, T., 2015.

Defining and measuring quality journalism. Rutgers School of Communication and Information. Lundberg, S.M., Erion, G., Chen, H., DeGrave, A., Prutkin, J.M., Nair, B., Katz, R., Himmelfarb, J., Bansal, N. and Lee, S.I., 2020.

From local explanations to global understanding with explainable AI for trees. Nature machine intelligence, 2(1): 2522–5839.

For more information, please contact Tracy Sheffer by email at