QSE Faculty
Nai-Chang Yeh
Our current research focuses on the following general directions: Condensed matter experiments, focusing on scientific and technological topics of correlated electrons (e.g., high-temperature superconductors; colossal magnetic perovskites), topological materials (e.g., topological insulators and superconductors; topological states for quantum information), low-dimensional systems (e.g., van der Waals materials including graphene, h-BN and two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenides; graphene nanostripes; carbon nanotubes; nanoparticles; quantum dots), valleytronics, spintronics (based on spin-orbit-coupled materials, half-metallic ferromagnets), nanoscience and nanotechnology (e.g., instrumentation of scanning probe microscopy for nanoscale characterization; nanofabrication of electronic, optoelectronic, valleytronic and spintronic devices; nanoscale strain engineering of graphene and transition-metal dichalcogenides) and energy research (e.g., energy conversion in photovoltaic and fuel cells; supercapacitors and lithium ion batteries for energy storage).